The night of the heist showed up, and Lily and her group assembled external the Quantum Frameworks office. They had arranged for each chance, however they realize that things may as yet turn out badly.
They set their strategy in motion, with Jack utilizing his hacking abilities to handicap the surveillance cameras while Sarah utilized her robot to make an interruption on the opposite side of the office. Max, Lily, and the remainder of the group advanced toward the structure, attempting to stay concealed.
Lily and Max were entrusted with invading the structure and taking the quantum PC. They realize that the PC was intensely watched, so they must watch out.
They cleared their path through the office, keeping away from safety officers and remaining stowed away. Lily utilized her hacking abilities to incapacitate the security frameworks, while Max utilized his insight into quantum mechanics to explore through the perplexing framework that safeguarded the PC.
At long last, they showed up at the room where the quantum PC was kept. It was a monstrous machine, with wires and links running toward each path. Lily and Max got to work, cautiously turning off the PC and getting it together to be shipped.
Similarly as they were wrapping up, they heard strides drawing closer. They immediately got together their stuff and took cover behind a close by work area, wanting to stay concealed.
It was a near calamity, however they figured out how to stay away from identification. They advanced out of the office and got together with the remainder of the group, who were hanging tight for them outside.
They had effectively taken the most exceptional quantum PC on the planet, and presently they needed to convey it to the adversary organization that had recruited them. However, they realize that the hardest part was on the way.
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